
mardi 3 septembre 2013

Too short a visit

In August I made a trip back to the States for the committal service of my grandmother, who had passed away in May. She was 95 when she died, and had lived a long, full life – the memories of which kept her going peacefully and in good spirits up until the end.

It was pretty sad saying goodbye, but at the same time an occasion to see family members, some who I hadn't seen in over 30 years! We had a great lunch exchanging stories, renewing ties and meeting certain people for the first time. I'm sure Grandma would have approved.

Afterward, I spent a few days in New Hampshire visiting my sister and I managed to do just a few sketches. The one above is of her porch. It was really hot that week.

My sister is a massage therapist, and along with practicing and teaching, she also works on horses. So I got to tag along with her one morning when she made a few barn calls. Between being accosted by dogs with their frisbees and curious hens, I managed to get a few animals in. Red the rooster was quite happy to pose while Bagel got his massage...

And finally, some quick studies of my sister's two cats – Himé and Tora. I wanted to do some more drawings of them, but between visits, catching up and trying to cram everything into four days, I ran out of time. So I'll have to get them on the next visit!

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