
lundi 9 décembre 2013

A visit from Kazan

On her way back from Clermont Ferrand, Marion texted me – she had a new friend,  Ivan Krasnobaev, who was going to be in town for a week, and was interested in meeting with the Paris Sketchers.

A discussion went up on our Flickr group, and we were able to arrange two meetings that week. The first was at the "new" café in the Paris Opera, and here's my sketch of sketchers discussing Clermont Ferrand that evening.

The next evening Marion joined Ivan and Oludotunf for a second night at the Pompidou Center and a nearby café. It sounded like a lot of fun, this time in a more "typical" Parisian setting.

It is so great to be able to welcome visitors, take them out to sketch the sites and meet some of the people who live here! Paris has so much to offer, always the more enjoyable when among friends. I hope that any sketchers reading this post won't hesitate to contact us when you're in town, or post a message on our Flickr group. Collectively, we know this town like nobody's business, and we'll be glad to show you around!
— Kim

[aquarelle 21x60cm sur carnet aquarelle moleskine]

J'ai rencontré Ivan Krasnobaev au rendez-vous du carnet de voyages à Clermont-Ferrand. Il vient de Kazan en Russie. Comme il restait encore quelques jours à Paris, il désirait rencontrer les Urban Sketchers parisiens et dessiner avec eux.
J'ai organisé la deuxième soirée dans un café typiquement "parisien" selon la demande d'Ivan. Après avoir visité rapidement l'exposition sur les objets surréalistes au Centre Pompidou, nous sommes allés nous réchauffer Au petit Marcel.

[aquarelle 13x41cm sur carnet aquarelle moleskine] 

Nous avons passé un bon moment à dessiner, à discuter et à échanger; j'ai aussi pu admirer ses dessins de New-York et de Russie.
— Marion

1 commentaire:

  1. Et voila mes dessins: Greetings from Russia!
